Monday, April 18, 2011

Office Closed Early

It was around 9:45. The weekly staff meeting was wrapping up when the Administrative Assistant walked in.  He announced  the office would be closing immediately and that we were to all go home until further notice.  Though international and national media have announced the incumbent Goodluck Johnathan as the winner based on reports from the majority of states, many opposition supporters were not happy and old prejudices and emotions came to a head in some areas, including here in Bauchi.  People were in the street in a nearby area. 

 A gentleman who is a Christian just informed me that his home in a village close to the city and that of 7 others was torched.   It's  important for party leaders appeal for calm.  All indications are that this is the fairest election ever conducted in the country. These statements came from voters as well as international observers. While this young democracy experiences growing pains, I hope that the kind of self-destructive behaviour happening now will be eliminated.

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