Change, positive change, has been the mantra of many for some time now. My personal desire for change in my professional life lept boldly forward earlier this year. I began to explore several possibilities. Seeking a position in a high school and working abroad were the top two items on my list. Hmm, which path should I explore??
A cousin who is ex-military followed up on a previous conversation and sent me a list of companies that were hiring internationally, some with positions in my area of expertise. Conversations with people who have lived and worked abroad were informative. But, it was the discussions with the woman who coordinated our trip to Ghana in July that opened up this current opportunity for me.
Barbara, a middle school educator from New York, had been a volunteer with the International Foundation for Education and Self-Help (IFESH) a few years before. She worked at a teacher training college in Ghana located just outside Accra. During the trip, we met one of her students and assistants as we were on our way to Cape Coast.
By this time I had applied and was quickly accepted as an International Educator for Africa. Of course I would have loved to have been assigned to Ghana, however assignments were based on need,not personal preference. So, my country assignment is Nigeria. I will be working as a consultant for curriculum development and teacher training in the northern state of Bauchi. Wow, Nigeria, the largest and most affluent nation on the continent! My family seem less enthused than I. I'm ready to do this!
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