Sunday, March 6, 2011

Keeping Up With the Technology

I have just 3 days left to use  over 200MB of data on my  The usage plan recommended—the moderately priced one provides 500MB of data which  must be used within 30 days.  Use it or lose it!  The first time I ran out of units in about 3 weeks—and at a critical time.  It was during the holidays. Maybe I thought I was back home.  The computer was on, modem running most of the weekend.  Then I heard a little ‘tweet tweet’ chirping sound coming from the laptop.  After investigation, I discovered my units were suddenly gone!  Some update ate up a chunk of MB that should have lasted until the office reopened. 

Now the opposite has happened.  So I guess I'll spend some time uploading photos or downloading somethings to use up the units.  

Because of the weak infrastructure, portability is the name of the game. We buy units  on scratch off cards for  50,100, 500,1500 Naira to load on our cell phones or modems. Landlines are primarily intercom systems. I don't know the percentage of landlines in the country. Basically, hotels, some hospitals, government offices and maybe some larger businesses have them.  You can dial land to land or cell to land, but not land to cell or cell to land.  

 The portable radio has carried news and information to the far reaches of the world. There are portables everywhere. But  its the cell phone that  has connected people in the 'developing' world  and has had an uncanny impact in the development of these areas of the world.  According to one source 60% of the world's cell phones users live in developing nations.   

Why Africa?

More in Africa Use Mobile Phones Than Any Other Continent

 A misplaced cellphone for a 'stranger' like me can be cause for concern--no directory assistance.  Borrow someone phone and call who since all the number are programmed into your phone.. Yes I have 'lost' my phone--left it in a car, left it in the office, left it..well not any more.

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